As I mentioned before, I’m a big Cornell basketball fan. One particular point of contention among Cornell basketball fans is whether the current coach Bill Courtney makes strategically sound decisions during games. The consensus among fans (or rather, the subset of fans that takes to the internet to complain) is that he’s a bad in-game coach, at least compared to the previous coach Steve Donahue. This certainly isn’t unique to Cornell – lots of fanbases are unhappy with their coach’s in-game coaching abilities (see Crean, Tom) – but Cornell presents a nice case for analysis because we have a (comparatively) decent amount of data from both B.C and A.D eras (Before Courtney, and After Donahue, natch).

There are a lot of factors that go into a team’s success or failure besides in-game coaching, but in this post I’m only asking “Is Bill Courtney a worse in-game coach than Steve Donahue?” Inspired by an example in Bayesian Methods for Hackers I’m going to try to address this question using historical box score data and some Bayesian tools.

The plan of attack:

  • Generate a regression that predicts the number of wins a team should have, based on its season-averaged box score statistics.
  • Compare Cornell’s actual number of wins to the predicted value, for each season for which we have data.
  • Do some Bayesian analysis to estimate whether there was a change in performance relative to box-score based expectations that coincided with the coaching change.

The premise is that, given a fixed set of stats, differences in game outcomes are determined by in-game coaching decisions (i.e. when to call a time-out, what kind of play to draw up in important situations, etc). This certainly isn’t completely true, but hopefully it will be good enough to say something interesting.

I’ll note at the outset that this isn’t a particularly rigorous analysis. First, we’re limited by the fact that our data only go back to the 2001-2002 season. Any conclusions we can draw from such a small sample size are necessarily going to be imprecise. Second, the ‘data’ that we’re using for our Bayesian analysis is a function of a predicted number of wins. This exposes us to errors from bad predictions. Finally, it’s possible that the effect of a particular coach’s in-game coaching abilities is actually uncorrelated with the difference between actual and predicted wins. Caveats aside, let’s see what we can do.

There’s a fair amount of data wrangling that goes into converting the raw box score data into a form we can use. I’ll omit that here, but it’s included in the ipython notebook for this post. Once it’s all wrangled, our data looks like this:

# the list of stats used in our predictions
fit_stats = ['3PA', 'AST', 'BLK', 'FGA', 'FTA', 'OREB', 'PTS','REB', 'STL', 'TO','PAPG']

print(fitting_data[fit_stats + ['total_wins']].head())
                             3PA        AST       BLK        FGA        FTA  \
season team_name                                                              
2009   AR-Little Rock  14.354839  13.032258  3.483871  51.258065  23.000000   
       AR-Pine Bluff   13.903226  10.935484  2.709677  57.032258  20.935484   
       Air Force       17.612903  12.193548  2.258065  44.806452  18.806452   
       Akron           21.514286  12.314286  2.257143  54.628571  19.628571   
       Alabama         15.000000  11.156250  4.500000  59.843750  22.218750   

                            OREB        PTS        REB       STL         TO  \
season team_name                                                              
2009   AR-Little Rock   9.645161  66.419355  31.516129  5.516129  14.741935   
       AR-Pine Bluff   11.838710  62.677419  33.580645  8.741935  19.096774   
       Air Force        6.193548  58.741935  25.838710  5.000000  12.709677   
       Akron            9.600000  66.828571  29.342857  7.714286  13.657143   
       Alabama         11.531250  73.406250  35.593750  7.187500  13.906250   

                            PAPG  total_wins  
season team_name                              
2009   AR-Little Rock  63.354839          23  
       AR-Pine Bluff   70.645161          13  
       Air Force       62.451613          10  
       Akron           59.828571          23  
       Alabama         70.437500          18  

Each stat in fit_stats will be a predictor in our model, while total_wins is the dependent variable.

Before we fit our predictive model we need to split the data into training and testing sets.

# split our data into subsets for testing and training
X_train, X_test, y_train, y_test = \
cross_validation.train_test_split(fitting_data[fit_stats], \
                                  test_size=0.4, random_state=0)

Time to generate a predictive model. We’re trying to map a vector of continuous variables (the box score statistics) to a single scalar (total number of wins during the season), which is a textbook use case for linear regression. As a sanity check, we’ll see which predictors have the strongest effect on the outcome according to our model.

# train a linear regression model
linreg = linear_model.LinearRegression(normalize=True), y_train)

# check which stats have a large effect on the prediction
coef_df = pd.DataFrame(list(zip(full_stats, linreg.coef_))).sort(1)
coef_df['abs'] = coef_df[1].apply(np.abs)
coef_df = coef_df.set_index(0).sort('abs', ascending=False).transpose()
0       PTS      PAPG       FTA        TO       REB      OREB       FGA  \
1  0.850119 -0.847656  0.107432 -0.074724  0.074576 -0.070238 -0.044737   

0       BLK       3PA       STL       AST  
1  0.042777  0.016987  0.013339  0.013327  

The two biggest predictors are points-per-game and points-allowed-per-game; or, in the immortal words of John Madden, “Usually the team that scores the most points wins the game.” So far so good, now let’s see how our linear regression model does when fitting the test data.

# define a helper function to plot fits and residuals
def plot_regressor(regressor, y_test, X_test, title):
    y_pred = regressor.predict(X_test)
    fig, (ax1, ax2) = plt.subplots(1,2, figsize=(16,5))
    fig.suptitle(title, fontsize=20)
    ax1.scatter(y_test, y_pred, alpha=0.15)
    ax1.set_xlabel('actual wins')
    ax1.set_ylabel('predicted wins')

    sns.regplot(y_pred,y_test-y_pred, scatter_kws={'alpha':0.3}, ax=ax2, fit_reg=True)
    ax2.set_xlabel('predicted wins')
    ax2.set_ylabel('prediction error')

    print('Pearson R : {:.4f}'.format(pearsonr(y_test, y_pred)[0]))
    print('R^2       : {:.4f}'.format(regressor.score(X_test, y_test)))
    print('RMSE      : {:.4f}'.format(np.sqrt(metrics.mean_squared_error(y_test, y_pred))))
plot_regressor(linreg, y_test, X_test, 'Linear Regression')
Pearson R : 0.9299
R^2       : 0.8639
RMSE      : 2.2881


Looks like a linear regression model does a pretty good job predicting total number of wins. Just for kicks, let’s try a Random Forest regression as well.

forest = ensemble.RandomForestRegressor(random_state=0), y_train)

plot_regressor(forest, y_test, X_test, 'Random Forest Regression')
Pearson R : 0.9152
R^2       : 0.8374
RMSE      : 2.5010


All in all, pretty similar. We can look at the distribution of the prediction errors for both regressions to get a more direct visual sense of how they compare.

fig, (ax1, ax2) = plt.subplots(1,2, figsize=(16,6))

compare = pd.DataFrame(y_test)
compare['forest'] = forest.predict(X_test)
compare['linear'] = linreg.predict(X_test)
compare['avg'] = (compare['forest'] + compare['linear']) / 2
compare['pred_diff'] = compare['forest'] - compare['linear']

compare['forest_diff'] = compare['total_wins'] - compare['forest']
compare['linear_diff'] = compare['total_wins'] - compare['linear']

bins = np.arange(-7,7.25, 0.5)
sns.distplot(compare['forest_diff'], kde_kws={'label':'forest'}, bins=bins, ax=ax1)
sns.distplot(compare['linear_diff'], kde_kws={'label':'linear'}, bins=bins, ax=ax1)
ax1.set_xlabel('prediction error')
plt.suptitle('Linear Regression vs Random Forest', fontsize=20, y=1.051);

sns.regplot(compare['forest_diff'], compare['linear_diff'], scatter_kws={'alpha':0.3}, fit_reg=False, ax=ax2)
ax2.set_xlabel('Random Forest prediction error')
ax2.set_ylabel('Linear regression prediction error')



      forest_diff  linear_diff
mean    -0.015638     0.029887
std      2.502284     2.289120

The distributions of the prediction errors for the two models are very similar. More importantly, the errors of the two predictors are pretty strongly correlated. This latter point makes me somewhat confident that differences between predicted and actual wins are related to the performance of the team, and not just noisiness in the regression.

At this point we have a model that can predict a team’s season wins based on that team’s average statistics. Time for a change in perspective: instead of considering differences between predicted and actual wins to be prediction errors, let’s consider them observations of over- or under-performance. If a team is predicted to win 20 games, but only wins 16, then instead of saying the model was wrong by 4 games we say that the team under-performed by 4 wins, and we attribute this under-performance (at least partially) to in-game coaching. This is definitely not rigorous, but hopefully the analysis will still be interesting.

We’re ready for step two: compare Cornell’s actual wins to predicted wins. The data we used to train the model only goes back to the 2008-2009 season, so I manually scraped Cornell’s statistics through the 2001-2002 season. I’ll omit that code as well and just show the results:


A quick reminder: with this analysis we’re only addressing in-game coaching. 2014 was a miserable season for Cornell (they went 2-26), and coaching was surely a factor. According to this, however, in-game coaching wasn’t to blame: Cornell won about 1/2 game more than they were predicted to based on their season-average statistics, which is well within a standard deviation of the mean.

Cornell changed coaches between the 2010 and 2011 seasons; looking at the plot it’s hard to say if the performance is markedly different during the two eras. This is where Bayesian tools come in, specifically a Markov Chain Monte Carlo (MCMC) method. The python package PyMC implements the heavy machinery for us, and I’ll defer to Bayesian Methods for Hackers for a detailed explanation of how it works; the model we’re using here is lifted almost verbatim from the first chapter.

import pymc as pm

# our 'data' points are the difference between predicted
# and actual wins for each season
data = y_diff
n_data = len(data)

# use the mean, stddev of the linear regression
# errors as our priors
mu_1 = pm.Normal('mu_1', 0.03, 2.3)
mu_2 = pm.Normal('mu_2', 0.03, 2.3)

tau = pm.DiscreteUniform("tau", lower=2002, upper=2015)

# model the over- or under-performance as being normally 
# distributed, both before and after the coaching change.
def mu_(mu_1=mu_1, mu_2=mu_2, tau=tau):
    out = np.zeros(n_data)
    out[:tau] = mu_1
    out[tau:] = mu_2
    return out

observation = pm.Normal("obs", mu_, value=data, observed=True)

model = pm.Model([observation, mu_1, mu_2, tau])

mcmc = pm.MCMC(model)
mcmc.sample(40000, 10000, 1)

mu_1_samples = mcmc.trace('mu_1')[:]
mu_2_samples = mcmc.trace('mu_2')[:]
tau_samples = mcmc.trace('tau')[:]
 [-----------------100%-----------------] 40000 of 40000 complete in 7.9 sec

We’re making two assumptions in the code above:

  • For both coaches, the over- or under-performance of the team from season to season is normally distributed. The mean of this distrubtion is (at least partially) a function of the coach’s in-game coaching skill.
  • At some point between the 2002 and 2015 seasons, there was a transition and the mean of the distribution changed.

These assumptions contain three parameters: the mean of the over/under performance distribution for each coach (\(\mu_\texttt{SD}\), \(\mu_\texttt{BC}\)), and the season during which the transition occurred (\(\tau\)). The PyMC code takes the assumptions above, and returns probability distributions for each of the three parameters based on the data we provide.

If, as per our original hypothesis, the new coach (Bill Courtney)’s in-game coaching is significantly worse than the previous coach (Steve Donahue)’s, then the peaks of the two distriubtions returned by PyMC should be nicely separated, with Donahue’s to the right of Courtney’s. Additionally, the distribution for \(\tau\), the season during which the transition occurred, should be sharply peaked around 2010.

from IPython.core.pylabtools import figsize
figsize(12.5, 10)

ax = plt.subplot(311)

plt.hist(mu_1_samples, histtype='stepfilled', bins=30, alpha=0.85,
         label="posterior of $\mu_1$", color="#A60628", normed=True)
plt.legend(loc="upper left")
plt.title(r"""Posterior distributions of the variables
    $\mu_\mathtt{. SD},\;\mu_\mathtt{. BC},\;\tau$""")
plt.xlim([-3, 3])
plt.xlabel("$\mu_\mathtt{. SD}$ value")

ax = plt.subplot(312)
plt.hist(mu_2_samples, histtype='stepfilled', bins=30, alpha=0.85,
         label="posterior of $\mu_2$", color="#7A68A6", normed=True)
plt.legend(loc="upper left")
plt.xlim([-3, 3])
plt.xlabel("$\mu_\mathtt{. BC}$ value")

w = 1.0 / tau_samples.shape[0] * np.ones_like(tau_samples)
plt.hist(tau_samples, bins=n_data, alpha=1,
         label=r"posterior of $\tau$",
         color="#467821", weights=w, rwidth=2.)

plt.legend(loc="upper left")
plt.ylim([0, .2])
plt.xlim([2002, 2015])



Well, looks like the data do not agree with our hypothesis. The most damning result is the flat distribution of \(\tau\): according to our MCMC at no point in the past 13 years was there a drastic change in the quality of in-game coaching. Of course there are a number of other possible explanations, first among them that our mapping from prediction error to over/under performance was invalid. It could also be that we just don’t have enough data yet. Good thing Cornell just gave Courtney a contract extension …

Long story short, you can add this to the list of blog posts that conclude that it’s hard to measure the effect of a coaching change. Sometimes the data just doesn’t tell the story you want it to tell.

The ipython notebook for this post is here and the data is here and here.